Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference?

Psychoanalysis vs. Psychotherapy

Psychoanalysis informs all the work I do.

The biggest difference between the two services is intensity.

In an analysis, we meet three times a week and I ask for a year commitment.

Psychotherapy is once a week and goes on for as long as it feels useful.

What’s your fee?

My current fee per session is $285.

If someone else paying for your therapy—insurance company, parent, or spouse—please let me know in our introductory call.

If you are interested in an analysis, we can discuss fee further.

  • Yes!

    If my Calendly link is showing availability for my free 15-minute consults, then yes, I am available to take on a new person.

  • No. I am not on any insurance company’s panel.

    My services might be reimbursable if you have OON benefits. (See next question.)

  • Here are the questions to ask your insurance company:

    1. Do I have out of network coverage for out-patient mental health services?

    2. (If yes) What is my out of network deductible?

    3. Once my deductible is met, what is my co-insurance? (i.e. the percentage of the cost that you‘re responsible for)

    4. What is reasonable and customary for CPT 90834? (This is the code that stands for psychotherapy. Oftentimes they won’t reveal this over the phone, but you can try.)

    5. To what address are claims to be mailed? (Or faxed or whatever they’ll accept.)

  • I prefer to use Calendly, but you can also feel free to email me:

    For peer consults, please use the submission form on the Peer Consults page. We’ll take it from there.

  • I maintain a small practice that allows me to offer high quality therapy, but sadly does not have the capacity for many sliding scale spaces.

    Please see my Resource page for lower-cost options.

  • No, I do not. Please see my Resource page for other options.

  • I work with people who are 25+ and consenting to therapy.

    Please email me to discuss further if your adult child is having difficulty reaching out.

    I do like to facilitate referrals whenever I can, even if I’m not the right fit.

    Oftentimes, parents receiving their own therapy can be the most help for their autistic children. I can certainly help you with that.

  • Yes. I work in-person and via telehealth.

  • Yes.

    I love working with people who are creative, introspective, and seek meaning in their lives.

    I just don’t work with auti-phobes.

Are we a fit?

Truth is, I don’t know yet!

I work with adults 25+. Autistic and non-autistic.

Generally speaking, if you are in a situation that calls for steps to be taken to secure your safety or employment, and need active intervention or want immediate results, this form of psychotherapy likely isn’t for you at this time. No shame in this!


Some things are not in my skill set or are better addressed by other professionals. In the case of burnout, it is my opinion that REST is the best medicine, as well as checking out any possible medical causes. Please see my Resources page for more information.

A FIT (most likely)




Emotional dysregulation

Life transitions


Relationship issues

Self esteem

Social adjustment

Substance use

NOT A FIT (right now)

Accommodations planning

Autism assessment/diagnosis


Career planning

Case management (following hospital discharge, etc.)

Chronic suicidality

Couples/family therapy

Prescribe medication

Skills training

Sleep disorders

I’d like to try this. What happens now?

Figuring out if we’re a therapeutic fit is a multi-step process. Really, it’s about whether I can help you with your goal.

1st step:

Schedule a 15-minute call or email me ( to share a bit about where you’re at, what you’re looking for, and ask me any questions.

Next step:

Schedule a first session. In this session you can speak freely about your life and your concerns and get a sense of what it’s like to work with me.


In the 2nd session, we’ll have a conversation led by me about your history. Before it takes place, I’ll ask that you read and electronically sign my consent form, as well as complete payment for the previous session.

By the end of these 2 sessions we should have sense if this is going to work for you and we’d like to continue. If it feels like a fit, we set up a weekly time to meet, or in the case of an analysis, multiple times to meet. If it’s not a fit, I can try to help you figure out some options for your next step.


My current fee per session is $285.

I am an out of network provider. I am not on any insurance panels.

If needed, I can provide you with a statement for that 1st session and show you how to submit an OON claim so you can see how your insurance company might process it. Thereafter, I provide statements and bill on the 1st of the month.

I accept credit cards and ACH transfer through Square.

If you are not financially responsible for therapy, i.e. a parent or spouse is making payment, I need them to sign a form. While they might be financially supportive, they are not privy to the content of sessions, nor can they lay claim to any particular outcome of therapy. Though they’re paying for it, the work does not belong to them.

I currently cannot offer services to those who are on Medicaid or have a legal guardian.

Any more questions? Just email me or schedule a call!